What is Fire Blight?
Fire blight is a bacterial infection affecting trees. It is caused by the erwinia amylovora bacteria. It is a destructive disease that kills the tree’s leaves, blossoms, stems, and sometimes – if left untreated – the entire tree.
Insects and birds spread the bacteria from tree to tree during the spring, when the trees are blooming.
Signs of Fire Blight
If you notice the leaves on your trees turning brown or black and taking on a “scorched” appearance, this can be a sign of fire blight. Spring is the time of year when you will usually first notice the disease, and it is also the time when it can most effectively be treated.
Which Texas Trees Are Susceptible?
Trees in the Rose (rosaceae) family are susceptible to fire blight. In central Texas, the most common trees in this family include apple, crabapple, pear, and hawthorn trees.
Fire Blight Treatment
Treatment consists of first carefully pruning and removing the infected branches – the infected branches and foliage must be removed from your property so they do not reinfect your tree, or infect neighboring trees. Next we treat the infected tree with injections of a systemic antibiotic.
If fire blight treatment is started soon after you first notice signs of the disease, your tree has a good chance of full recovery. Prompt treatment will also decrease the likelihood of the infection spreading to nearby trees. It is important to not delay treatment of an infected tree. If the infection reaches your tree’s roots, it will die.
If you have noticed signs of fire blight on your trees, don’t wait until it’s too late! Contact A Good Morning Tree Service today. Our professional arborists will properly diagnose your tree’s problem and provide you with a free on-site estimate for treatment.
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