At A Good Morning Tree Service, we provide a full range of tree treatments in Austin and Central Texas. For over 20 years, we have been providing commercial and residential tree services to countless property owners in the area. If you suspect that one of your trees has a disease or infestation, contact us for a tree assessment and tree treatment (if necessary).
Emerald Ash Borer Treatment
Emerald_ash_borer_3_-Flickr-_USDAgov.jpg by USDAgov
Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.
The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) has been identified in central Texas. Without intervention, infested ash trees typically die within two to five years of infestation.
If you suspect your ash tree has been infested, contact us for a professional arborist evaluation. We can also apply insecticidal treatments to help protect high-value ash trees, when EABs have been identified in the area.
This article from Texas A&M AgriLife has more information about the current central Texas ash borer threat: Spread of emerald ash borer continues in Texas
Oak Wilt Treatment
Photo credit:
If there is oak wilt in your area, we want you to know that you can take preventative measures! Let our professional crews alleviate your concerns with a diagnostic checkup and treatment options for your trees.
Fire Blight Treatment
Fire blight is a bacterial infection affecting trees in the rosaceous family, including: crabapple, apple, pear, mountain ash, and cotoneaster trees. It is caused by the erwinia amylovora bacteria. Fire blight is a destructive disease that kills the tree’s leaves, blossoms, stems, and sometimes – if left untreated – the entire tree.
Treatment consists of first carefully pruning and removing the infected branches – the infected branches and foliage must be removed from your property so they do not reinfect your tree, or infect neighboring trees. Next we treat the infected tree with injections of a systemic antibiotic.
If treatment is started soon after you first notice the signs of fire blight, your tree has a good chance of full recovery. Prompt treatment will also decrease the likelihood of the infection spreading to nearby trees. It is important to not delay treatment of an infected tree. If the infection reaches your tree’s roots, it will die.
Fall Webworm Prevention and Treatment
The fall Webworm (Hyphantria cunea) is a moth, known primarily for its larval stage.
In the late summer and early fall, the webworms create unsightly webbed nests on a variety of hardwood tree limbs.
We manage webworm with Arborjet injections – like a shot for your tree. As the worms continue consuming the tree, the medicine will kill them off. Unlike spray pesticides, the injection treatment is not harmful to pets or children.
Full Service Tree Care
If you see signs of an infestation, contact A Good Morning Tree Service for a free, professional evaluation.
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7am – 7pm
7 days a week