Frequently Asked Tree Service Questions
When is the best time to prune my trees?
Dead, diseased, and broken wood can be removed at any time of year. However, for general pruning the best time is in late winter or early spring just before growth begins.
Oak trees have specific requirements. The Texas A&M Extension Service recommends that you avoid cosmetic pruning of Oak trees between February 15th and June 15th because open wounds attract a beetle that may vector Oak Wilt during that time. However, if your tree has never been pruned it likely has crossing, rubbing limbs that are causing an abrasive wound that can’t heal. Or you may have limbs rubbing on your roof that constantly get re-wounded when rubbing. Since the idea is to avoid open wounds during this time, leaving an abrasive wound that is constantly re-wounded is worse than making a proper pruning cut to remove the abrasive limb and allow the limb to heal. Most pruning wounds stop sap flow within a few hours.
How do I know if I have Oak Wilt?
The best way to diagnose Oak Wilt is by identifying a pattern of spread. But be careful! Oak Wilt is the most difficult tree disease to diagnose. The typical foliar symptom associated with Oak Wilt can be caused by many different ailments, many of which are not diseases at all. And a pattern of spread can be masked by prior treatments and trenches aimed at controlling the disease. Because the disease is so difficult to diagnose and causes so much damage we highly recommend you get the help of a professional if you think you have oak wilt.It is our company policy that if we cannot make a positive diagnosis then the trees should not be treated right away, instead monitored for a year to look for disease spread. If you have Oak Wilt and are unsure, then waiting to see if the disease spreads will tell you for sure if your problem is Oak Wilt.
Are you licensed and insured?
There is no “licensing” for tree service in Austin. But, we are insured – we carry general liability, automobile and excess umbrella insurance. We will gladly show you a copy if you choose to hire our services.
How do you get to the high parts of a tree?
We climb! We use tree climbing safety gear, safety harnesses, and “True Blue” rope from Samson Rope.
How do you remove large trees without damaging my property?
We use ropes to lower heavy, dangerous limbs or cut small pieces that are easy to handle and deposit into safe areas.
How often should I prune my tree?
Most trees only need a thorough pruning every 3-5 years. However, the trees may need a small touch up pruning every 1-2 years depending on the tree’s condition and your personal expectations. We very commonly run into over-pruned trees. It is important to understand that more pruning does not equal healthier trees. Tree pruning and tree care should be done on a prescription basis. You should be objective and identify a need to prune.